designed by dhara

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ceramic Oil Burner Aromatherapy Mixed Model

ceramic oil burner

jual tungku aromatherapy

Ceramic Oil Burner ( Tungku Aromatherapy )
Price : @ Rp 15.000
minimum order 50 pcs

Price : @  Rp 13.500
min. order 100pcs

* Untuk pembelian min. 100pcs ceramic burner aromatherapy SAJA, model burner mixed tergantung model yang sedang dalam proses produksi
* untuk pembelian min. 100 set Ceramic Burner Aromatherapy SET bisa request model, proses produksi +/- 14 hari dari saat payment kami terima

Monday, August 11, 2014

Catalogue Product of MySouvenir Shop Bali

MySouvenir Shop bali are specialist on making aromatherapy and spa gift,
we designed all of our gift with unique and Balinese style
the customer could request their own design

Product dari mysouvenir shop bali antara lain :
1. Aromatherapy Gift Set  yaitu  1 ceramic oil burner + 1 lilin + 2 essential oil + lilin bunga
    dikemas dengan box yang bisa request sesuai tema acara

2. Ceramic Burner Gift Set Mica

3. Spa and Aromatherapy gift Big Box